The list price of a computer is $2400. During a sale, the list price is reduced by 1/3. When the sale is over, the sales price is increased by 1/4. What is the selling price after the sale is over?

2400 * 2/3 * 5/4 = ?

where did the 2/3 and 5/4 come from though?


2400 divided by 3 is 800... 2400 divided by 4 is 600...


WARNING! This was posted by a 7th grader. If you are in a higher grade and do not know this... you need to get yourself together and PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS!

So the price after the sale would be $1400.

WARNING! This was posted by a 7th grader. If you are in a higher grade and do not know this... you need to get yourself together and PAY ATTENTION IN CLASS!

2/3 is from a 1/3 reduction in price ... 1 - 1/3 = 2/3

5/4 is from a 1/4 increase in price ... 1 + 1/4 = 5/4

To find the selling price after the sale is over, we need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the sale price
To calculate the sale price, we need to reduce the list price by 1/3. To find the discount amount, multiply the list price by 1/3:
Discount amount = $2400 * 1/3 = $800

Now subtract the discount amount from the list price to find the sale price:
Sale price = List price - Discount amount = $2400 - $800 = $1600

Step 2: Calculate the final selling price
To calculate the final selling price, we need to increase the sale price by 1/4. To find the increase amount, multiply the sale price by 1/4:
Increase amount = $1600 * 1/4 = $400

Now add the increase amount to the sale price to find the final selling price:
Final selling price = Sale price + Increase amount = $1600 + $400 = $2000

Therefore, the selling price after the sale is over is $2000.