subtract 2 from 8, then divide d by the result

More like d/(8-2)

To subtract 2 from 8, we simply subtract 2 from 8 and then divide the result by a variable "d".

Step 1: Subtract 2 from 8:
8 - 2 = 6

Step 2: Divide "d" by the result:
d / 6

To subtract 2 from 8, you simply subtract 2 from 8, which gives you a result of 6. In other words: 8 - 2 = 6.

Next, to divide d by the result, you need to know the value of d. If you have a specific value for d, you can substitute it directly into the equation.

For example, if d = 12, then you would divide 12 by 6:

12 ÷ 6 = 2

So, if d is 12, the result would be 2.

However, if you do not have a specific value for d, you cannot calculate the final result without further information.

d / (2-8) = ....