Chlorpheniramine 100 mlLidocaine 2 ozBanana flavoring 1/2 tspTake 10 ml BIDWhat is the daily dose measured in mL?

To calculate the daily dose, we need to determine how many doses are taken in a day and multiply it by the dose per dose.

In this case, it states "Take 10 mL BID." "BID" stands for "bis in die," which means twice a day. So, we need to calculate the total dose for one day, considering there are two doses taken.

The dose per dose is 10 mL.

To find the daily dose, we multiply the dose per dose (10 mL) by the number of doses per day (2).

10 mL/dose * 2 doses/day = 20 mL/day

Therefore, the daily dose is 20 mL.