If a baseball has a mass of 0.075kg and is traveling with an acceleration of 25 m/s2. What is the force that the baseball will hit the bat?

*it didn't give answer choices sorry*

Can Someone Help Anways?

Use F = ma

F = (0.075kg)(25 m/s^2) = 1.75 N

Yes, I can help you with that. To calculate the force with which the baseball will hit the bat, you can use Newton's second law of motion, which states that force (F) is equal to mass (m) multiplied by acceleration (a).

Given that the mass of the baseball is 0.075 kg and the acceleration is 25 m/s^2, you can use the formula:

F = m * a

Plugging in the values:

F = 0.075 kg * 25 m/s^2

Calculating the product:

F = 1.875 N

Therefore, the force with which the baseball will hit the bat is 1.875 Newtons.

To determine the force with which the baseball will hit the bat, we can use Newton's second law of motion, which states that force (F) is equal to mass (m) multiplied by acceleration (a).

In this case, the mass of the baseball is given as 0.075kg, and the acceleration is 25 m/s^2.

Thus, we can calculate the force by multiplying the mass and acceleration:

Force (F) = mass (m) * acceleration (a)
F = 0.075kg * 25 m/s^2
F = 1.875 N (rounded to three decimal places)

Therefore, the force with which the baseball will hit the bat is approximately 1.875 Newtons.