Factorise fully 24xy-16x^2y+8xy^2


= 8xy( 3 - 2x + y)

8xy( 3 - 2x + y)


To factorize the expression 24xy - 16x^2y + 8xy^2 fully, we can start by finding the greatest common factor (GCF) of the three terms.

Step 1: Find the GCF of 24xy, -16x^2y, and 8xy^2.
The common factors among the three terms are 8, x, and y. The GCF is the product of these common factors: 8xy.

Step 2: Divide each term by the GCF.
When we divide 24xy by the GCF (8xy), we get 3, since 24xy ÷ (8xy) = 3.
When we divide -16x^2y by the GCF (8xy), we get -2x, since -16x^2y ÷ (8xy) = -2x.
When we divide 8xy^2 by the GCF (8xy), we get y, since 8xy^2 ÷ (8xy) = y.

Now, we write the expression using the GCF and the divided terms:
8xy(3 - 2x + y)

So, the fully factored form of 24xy - 16x^2y + 8xy^2 is 8xy(3 - 2x + y).