Tyler, Griffin, and Miguel donated a total of $574 to their favorite charity. Griffin donated 7 times as much money as Tyler. Miguel donated $206 less than Griffin. How much money did Miguel donate?

Let's start by using variables to represent the amount of money donated by Tyler, Griffin, and Miguel.

Let x be the amount donated by Tyler.

Then, according to the problem, Griffin donated 7 times as much as Tyler, so Griffin donated 7x.

Miguel donated $206 less than Griffin, so Miguel donated 7x - $206.

We know that the total donated was $574, so we can set up an equation:

x + 7x + (7x - $206) = $574

Simplifying and solving for x:

15x - $206 = $574

15x = $780

x = $52

So Tyler donated $52, Griffin donated 7 times as much, or $364, and Miguel donated $206 less than Griffin, or $158.

Therefore, Miguel donated $158 to the charity.