Jodie bought fabric to make banners for the booths at the school fair. The fabric was sold in 1 1/4 -yard-wide pieces, and she bought a 10 1/2 -yard-long piece of fabric. Jodie needs 2 3/16 square yards of fabric for each banner.

I don' see no steenkin' question, but each banner will need

(2 3/16)÷(1 1/4) = 1 3/4 yards of fabric

To calculate how many banners Jodie can make from the fabric, follow these steps:

Step 1: Find the area of the fabric piece:
The length of the fabric is 10 1/2 yards, and the width is 1 1/4 yards. To find the area, multiply the length and width:
10 1/2 yards * 1 1/4 yards = 21/2 yards * 5/4 yards
= (21 * 5) / (2 * 4)
= 105/8 square yards

So, Jodie has a piece of fabric that measures 105/8 square yards.

Step 2: Calculate how many banners Jodie can make:
Each banner requires 2 3/16 square yards of fabric.
To find the number of banners that can be made from the available fabric, divide the total area of the fabric by the area required for each banner:
(105/8 square yards) / (2 3/16 square yards)
To ease calculation, convert the mixed fraction into an improper fraction:
(105/8 square yards) / (35/16 square yards)
Now, divide the two fractions:
(105/8 square yards)*(16/35 square yards)
= (21*5/2)*(16/35)
= (21*5*16)/(2*35)
= 1680/70
= 24

So, Jodie can make 24 banners from the fabric she bought.

To determine how many banners Jodie can make from the fabric she bought, we need to find the total area of the fabric and divide it by the area needed for each banner.

First, let's convert the width of the fabric from yards to inches. There are 36 inches in a yard, so 1 1/4 yards is equal to 1 1/4 * 36 = 45 inches.

Next, we need to convert the length of the fabric from yards to inches. Since there are 36 inches in a yard, 10 1/2 yards is equal to 10.5 * 36 = 378 inches.

To find the area of the fabric, we multiply the length by the width: 378 inches * 45 inches.

However, we need to make sure the units are consistent, so let's convert the length and width from inches to yards. Dividing each dimension by 36 will give us the length and width in yards: 378 inches / 36 = 10.5 yards and 45 inches / 36 = 1.25 yards.

Now we can find the area of the fabric using the dimensions in yards: 10.5 yards * 1.25 yards.

Finally, we can divide the total area of the fabric by the area needed for each banner to determine the number of banners Jodie can make: (10.5 yards * 1.25 yards) / (2 3/16 square yards).

Simplifying any fractions and performing the division will give us the final answer.