Identify the sentence that contains an error in punctuation or capitalization?

To identify the sentence that contains an error in punctuation or capitalization, you need to carefully examine each sentence and look for any mistakes in punctuation (such as missing or misplaced commas, periods, or quotation marks) or capitalization (such as incorrect capitalization of proper nouns or the first word in a sentence). Here's an example:

1. I enjoy going to the beach and swimming in the ocean every summer.
2. Sarah, my best friend, is coming over for dinner tonight. Correct
3. The capital of France is paris, which is known for its stunning architecture.
4. My favorite book is "To Kill a Mockingbird" by harper lee.

In the sentences provided, sentence 3 contains an error in capitalization. The word "paris" should be capitalized as it is the name of a city. Therefore, sentence 3 is the sentence that contains an error in punctuation or capitalization.