Which kingdom never has a cell wall? (1 point)





If anyone has the answers can you put them up?

It's animalia


Scientists discover a species that is unicellular and has chloroplasts. Which of these could it be? (1 point)

A dinophyte, a type of protist
A dinophyte, a type of protist

A green sea slug, a type of animal
A green sea slug, a type of animal

An oak tree, a type of plant
An oak tree, a type of plant

A chloroflexi, a type of bacteria
A chloroflexi, a type of bacteria

here is number 2

can you give me a direction on how you did it what research did you use?

If i finish ill put the answers here

Also ty for the answer


The kingdom that never has a cell wall is Animalia. To determine this, we need to understand the characteristics of the different kingdoms and then identify which one lacks a cell wall.

The five kingdoms of living organisms are:

1. Monera: This kingdom includes prokaryotic organisms, such as bacteria. They typically have a cell wall made of peptidoglycan.

2. Animalia: This kingdom consists of multicellular eukaryotic organisms that lack a cell wall. Animals have specialized cells with various structures and functions, but they do not possess a rigid cell wall like other kingdoms.

3. Plantae: This kingdom consists of multicellular eukaryotic organisms, such as plants. Plants have a cell wall made of cellulose that provides structure and support.

4. Fungi: This kingdom includes eukaryotic organisms such as mushrooms and yeasts. Fungi also have a cell wall, which is primarily composed of chitin.

5. Protista: This kingdom encompasses diverse eukaryotic organisms that do not fit into the other kingdoms. Some protists have a cell wall, while others do not.

Based on this information, we can conclude that the kingdom of Animalia never has a cell wall.