Meteorologists analyze the data in the table to forecast the risk of wildfire in an area.

Humidity Temperature Wind Drought
high warmer than normal calm no drought conditions exist

Which conclusion is best supported by the data displayed in the table?

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To determine which conclusion is best supported by the data displayed in the table, we need to analyze the relationships between the different variables and their potential impact on the risk of wildfires. Let's break down each variable:

1. Humidity: The table states that the humidity is high. High humidity generally indicates a lower risk of wildfires since moisture in the air can help dampen potential fires.

2. Temperature: The table states that the temperature is warmer than normal. Higher temperatures can increase the risk of wildfires, especially if combined with other factors such as dry conditions or strong winds.

3. Wind: The table states that the wind is calm. Calm winds generally reduce the risk of wildfires since they do not provide the strong airflow needed to quickly spread fires.

4. Drought: The table states that no drought conditions exist. Lack of drought conditions suggests that there is adequate moisture in the environment, which further lowers the risk of wildfires.

Based on these observations, the best-supported conclusion is that the risk of wildfire in the area is relatively LOW. The combination of high humidity, calm wind, no drought conditions, and warmer-than-normal temperature suggests a favorable environment for fire prevention. However, this conclusion may be subject to change if additional data or factors are considered.

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