Why did Muhammad move from Mecca to the city of Medina?

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.
Muslims are not permitted to gamble or drink alcohol by the legal code known as the:

Read each description of sources of Islamic thought, and then drag each description into the correct box.

Islamic code of law

words and actions of Muhammad

main source of Islamic teaching




Read the quote about the life of Muhammad.

“[Muhammad] called Ayesha to him, and said, ‘Where is that gold which I gave [you] to keep?’ . . . [S]he placed it in his hand, and counted six dinars. He directed that it should be divided among certain indigent [needy] families; and then . . . he said, ‘Now I am at peace. Verily [truly] it would not have become me to meet my Lord, and this gold in my possession.’”

—The Life of Mahomet [Muhammad] and History of Islam

Which of the Five Pillars of Islam is related to this quotation?

Drag and drop the descriptions to the appropriate location. Descriptions may be used more than once.

This group believes only descendants of Muhammad should be caliph.

The majority of Muslims are this group.

This group views the Quran as the holy book of Islam.



Which of the following statements best describes the spread of Islam during the Arab conquests?

Islam spread only within the lands conquered by Arabs.

Everyone in conquered lands was forced to convert to Islam.

Few non-Arabs ever converted to Islam.

Islam spread inside and outside the new Arab Muslim empire.

Look at the table of dynasties.

Dynasty Achievement
Sasanian maintained Mesopotamian culture
Umayyad ?
Abbasid made Baghdad a cultural capital
Safavid helped Persian culture thrive

Which description can replace the question mark?

expanded the Muslim empire to its greatest extent

translated the Quran into the most foreign languages

completed the conquest of the Byzantine empire

introduced Islam into the Indian subcontinent

Look at the table.

Area of Achievement Achievement
philosophy combined Islamic faith with Greek logic
medicine published a medical encyclopedia
mathematics ?

Which achievement completes the table?

invented the telescope

spread the concept of zero

invented geometry

used Roman numerals

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

A characteristic commonly found in Islamic art and architecture was

Use the drop-down menus to complete the sentences.

The rulers of the
empire in southern India spoke Tamil. Indian cultural ideas and practices
spread from the empire mainly through

What was Xuanzang's accomplishment?

He established the Delhi sultanate.

He led Turkish troops in India.

He helped spread Buddhism to China.

He founded the religion of Sikhism.


Which of the following was the Delhi sultanate?

It was the government of the Mongols in India.

It was the government of the Gupta empire.

It was the government of the Chola empire.

It was the government of the Muslim Turks in India.

Which is one factor that contributed to the rise of Sikhism?

the spread of Christianity into India

opposition to the Hindu caste system

objections to the Five Pillars of Islam

a return to polytheistic religion

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.

The city of Baghdad was economically important in part because it

Compare and contrast the treatment of different religions by rulers of the Arab empire.

Describe the split in the Muslim community caused by Muhammad’s death.

What was Muhammad’s role in establishing and spreading Islam?

Here are the answers.

I already took the test.

1. B. He and his followers faced persecution by opponents in Mecca.

2. Sharia.

3. Quran-Main source of Islamic teachings
Sunnah-Words and actions of Muhammad
Sharia-Islamic code of law

4. C. charity

5. Sunnis. The majority of Muslims are in this group. This group views the Quran as the holy book of Islam

Shias. This group believes only descendents of Muhammad should be caliph. This group views the Quran as the holy book of Islam.

6. B. Everyone in conquered lands was forced to convert to Islam.

7. A. Expanded the Muslim Empire to its greatest extent

8. B. Spread the concept of zero

9. Arches and domes

10. First blank- Chola.
Second blank- through trade networks.

11. C. He helped spread Buddhism to China

12. D. It was the government of the Muslim turks in India.

13. B. Opposition to the Hindu caste system

14. Was linked to China and other lands by camel caravan routes.

Sorry I can not help with the rest of the test.
I hope you all get good grades.🙂

⬆ the person above me is amazing ⬆

z is right

i need help on this can somebody help

Why did Muhammad move from Mecca to the city of Medina?

He had already established a Muslim community in Mecca.

He did not want to interfere with existing worship at the Kaaba in Mecca.

He was a merchant and wanted to trade with the people of Medina.

He and his followers faced persecution by opponents in Mecca.
Muslims are not permitted to gamble or drink alcohol by the legal code known as the


Five Pillars of Islam

Islamic code of law is a descriptive source of Islamic thought. Which does it belong to?



Words and actions of Muhammad is a descriptive source of Islamic thought. Which does it belong to?




Which is the main source of Islamic teaching?




Read the quote about the life of Muhammad.
“[Muhammad] called Ayesha to him, and said, ‘Where is that gold which I gave [you] to keep?’ . . . [S]he placed it in his hand, and counted six dinars. He directed that it should be divided among certain indigent [needy] families; and then . . . he said, ‘Now I am at peace. Verily [truly] it would not have become me to meet my Lord, and this gold in my possession.’”
—The Life of Mahomet [Muhammad] and History of Islam
Which of the Five Pillars of Islam is related to this quotation?


fasting during Ramadan

daily prayer

the hajj
The Sunnis view the Quran as the holy book of Islam and the majority of Muslims belong to this group.



The Shias are a group who believe only descendants of Muhammud should be caliph.


Which of the following statements best describes the spread of Islam during the Arab conquests?

Everyone in conquered lands was forced to convert to Islam.

Few non-Arabs ever converted to Islam.

Islam spread inside and outside the new Arab Muslim empire.

Islam spread only within the lands conquered by Arabs.
Look at the table of dynasties. Which description can replace the question mark?

translated the Quran into the most foreign languages

completed the conquest of the Byzantine empire

introduced Islam into the Indian subcontinent

expanded the Muslim empire to its greatest extent.
Which achievement completes the table?

spread the concept of zero

invented the telescope

invented geometry

used Roman numerals
A characteristic commonly found in Islamic art and architecture was arches and domes.


What was Xuanzang's accomplishment?

He established the Delhi sultanate.

He led Turkish troops in India.

He founded the religion of Sikhism.

He helped spread Buddhism to China.
Which of the following was the Delhi sultanate?

It was the government of the Gupta empire.

It was the government of the Chola empire.

It was the government of the Muslim Turks in India.

It was the government of the Mongols in India.
Which is one factor that contributed to the rise of Sikhism?

the spread of Christianity into India

objections to the Five Pillars of Islam

a return to polytheistic religion

opposition to the Hindu caste system
The city of Baghdad was economically important in part because it was linked to China and other lands by elephant caravan routes.



by today please

The person 2 comments above is correct (Z)

1. Muhammad moved from Mecca to the city of Medina in 622 AD, an event known as the Hijra. The move was primarily due to the persecution and hostility faced by Muhammad and his followers in Mecca. The people of Medina had invited Muhammad to come and help resolve the conflicts and establish peace among their tribes. This migration marked the beginning of the Islamic calendar and was a turning point in the history of Islam.

2. Muslims are not permitted to gamble or drink alcohol by the legal code known as the Sharia.

- Islamic code of law: Sharia
- Words and actions of Muhammad: Sunnah
- Main source of Islamic teaching: Quran

4. The quotation about Muhammad distributing gold among needy families is related to the Zakat, which is one of the Five Pillars of Islam. Zakat is the requirement for Muslims to give a portion of their wealth to those in need.

- This group believes only descendants of Muhammad should be caliph: Shias
- The majority of Muslims are this group: Sunnis
- This group views the Quran as the holy book of Islam: Both Sunnis and Shias

6. The correct answer is D. Islam spread inside and outside the new Arab Muslim empire. While the initial spread of Islam was facilitated by the Arab conquests, it continued to spread through trade, migration, and missionary efforts beyond the boundaries of the Arab Muslim empire.

7. The correct answer is A. The Umayyad dynasty expanded the Muslim empire to its greatest extent.

8. The achievement that completes the table for mathematics is B. The Muslim world spread the concept of zero, which had significant implications for mathematics and led to the development of algebra.

9. A characteristic commonly found in Islamic art and architecture was geometric patterns and intricate calligraphy.

10. The rulers of the Mughal empire in southern India spoke Tamil. Indian cultural ideas and practices spread from the empire mainly through trade and exchange of ideas.

11. Xuanzang's accomplishment was C. He helped spread Buddhism to China. Xuanzang was a Buddhist monk and scholar from China who traveled to India in search of Buddhist scriptures.

12. The Delhi sultanate was D. The government of the Muslim Turks in India. It was a Muslim sultanate that ruled over parts of northern India from the 13th to the 16th century.

13. One factor that contributed to the rise of Sikhism was B. Opposition to the Hindu caste system. Sikhism emerged as a response to the social inequalities and injustices prevalent in the Hindu society at that time.

14. The city of Baghdad was economically important in part because it was a major center of trade and intellectual activity. Its location on the Tigris River allowed for easy transportation and facilitated trade between Europe, Asia, and Africa. Baghdad also became a hub of learning and scholarship, with many universities and libraries attracting scholars and students from all over the world.

15. The treatment of different religions by rulers of the Arab empire varied over time and across different regions. Generally, non-Muslims were allowed to practice their religions and were granted certain rights and protections, although they often faced discriminatory policies such as higher taxes. Some rulers were more tolerant and allowed religious diversity, while others imposed stricter Islamic norms and attempted to enforce conversion to Islam.

16. The split in the Muslim community caused by Muhammad's death is known as the Sunni-Shia divide. It was a result of disagreements over who should lead the Muslim community (Caliphate) after Muhammad's death. While the majority of Muslims supported the election of Abu Bakr, some believed that the leadership should have remained within Muhammad's family, leading to the division between Sunnis and Shias.

17. Muhammad played a central role in establishing and spreading Islam. He received revelations from Allah, which were compiled into the Quran, the holy book of Islam. Muhammad not only preached the message of Islam but also established a community of believers in Medina and led military campaigns to defend and spread Islam. His teachings and examples (Sunnah) formed the foundation of Islamic faith and continue to guide Muslims to this day.
