A bottle of insect repellent states that the percent by the volume concentration of DEET is 14% What is the volume of DEET in the 500-mL container?

A. 35 mL
B. 70 mL
C. 140 mL
D. 500 mL

70 ml

Well, let's do some math to find out the answer.

If the percent by the volume concentration of DEET is 14%, it means that 14 mL of every 100 mL is DEET.

So, in a 500-mL container, we just need to calculate 14% of 500 mL.

14% of 500 mL is (14/100) * 500 mL, which is 70 mL.

So, the volume of DEET in the 500-mL container is 70 mL.

Therefore, the answer is B. 70 mL.

Now, don't go around trying to drink that insect repellent bottle! It's not a refreshing beverage, trust me.

To find the volume of DEET in the 500-mL container, we need to calculate 14% of 500 mL.

Step 1: Multiply 14% by 500 mL:
14% of 500 mL = (14/100) * 500 mL = 70 mL.

Therefore, the volume of DEET in the 500-mL container is 70 mL, which corresponds to option B.

To find the volume of DEET in the 500-mL container, we need to calculate 14% of 500 mL.

First, we convert the percentage to a decimal by dividing it by 100:
14% = 14/100 = 0.14

Next, we multiply the decimal by the total volume of the container:
0.14 * 500 mL = 70 mL

Therefore, the volume of DEET in the 500-mL container is 70 mL. So, the correct answer is B. 70 mL.

(volume DEET/Total Volume)*100 = 14

(volume DEET/500) = 0.14 so volume DEET = 500*0.14 mL = ? mL DEET