Choose the best word combination below for the underlined words in the sentence.

The odor from the refrigerator smelled so badly that no one wanted to investigate; every time we opened the door, we held our noses tight.


badly, tightly


bad, tight


bad, tightly


badly, tight

things smell bad. Your nose might smell badly.

so, that eliminates two of the choices. What do you think.


Correct, the best word combination is "bad, tightly." We use "bad" to describe the odor, and "tightly" to describe how we are holding our noses to block out the smell. "Badly" is an adverb that would describe how someone smells, not the odor itself.

c) bad, tightly

To choose the best word combination for the underlined words in the sentence, we need to consider the meaning and suitability of the words "bad" and "tight" in relation to the context.

In this case, "smelled so badly" means that the odor from the refrigerator was very unpleasant or strong. Therefore, the adverb "badly" correctly expresses the intensity of the smell.

As for "held our noses tight", it means that we grasped or squeezed our noses firmly. Therefore, the adjective "tight" correctly describes how we held our noses.

Based on this analysis, the correct word combination is:


bad, tightly