the discovery of the fossils of prehistoric whales that lived millions of years ago in Mississippi indicate that

A) The Whales were once land-dwelling mammals
B) The whales once lived in an inland sea, which dried up
C) The Gulf of Mexico once covered what is now the state of Mississippi
I say B is it right

its in brainly search google and go to brainly but tis i sthe answer i think toca coco could help but she left the web page cause she thought it was wrong to cheat

From Internet:

Egyptian scientists say the fossil of a four-legged prehistoric whale, unearthed over a decade ago in the country's Western Desert, is that of a previously unknown species. The creature, an ancestor of the modern-day whale, is believed to have lived 43 million years ago.

C) the Gulf of Mexico once covered what is now the State of Mississippi.


Mississippi is located towards the south-western part of North America, which is now very close to the sea body including the gulf of Mexico. This area was submerged underwater in the past geological times, about millions of years back, that provided a shallow marine condition suitable for the organisms to get buried and get fossilized.

The fossils of prehistoric whales are obtained in this region, as this area was underwater, being a shallow marine condition.

Thus, the state of Mississippi was under the Gulf of Mexico in the geological past.

Thus, the correct answer is option (C).

#Learn more with brainly about:

Fossils and how they are formed

Gulf of Mexico

To determine the correct answer, let's break down the information provided in the question.

The question states that fossils of prehistoric whales were discovered in Mississippi. This tells us that at some point in the past, there were whales in the area that is now Mississippi.

Option A suggests that whales were once land-dwelling mammals. To determine whether this option is correct, we can consider the characteristics of modern whales. Whales are known as marine mammals, specifically adapted to life in the water. Therefore, it is unlikely that whales were originally land-dwelling mammals.

Option B suggests that the whales once lived in an inland sea that dried up. This is a plausible explanation, as fossil evidence often reveals that certain areas were once covered by ancient seas or bodies of water that have since disappeared. However, we should consider the evidence provided about the discovery of fossils in Mississippi to determine if it supports this explanation.

Option C suggests that the Gulf of Mexico once covered what is now the state of Mississippi. We can evaluate this option by considering the current geographical location of Mississippi relative to the Gulf of Mexico.

To determine the correct answer, we should rely on scientific evidence and knowledge. In this case, the most likely explanation is option C. The presence of whale fossils in Mississippi suggests that the area was once covered by the Gulf of Mexico. Over millions of years, geological processes and changes in sea levels could have transformed the landscape, exposing the marine fossils. Therefore, Option C is the most reasonable and supported answer.

So, to answer your question, option C is correct. The discovery of the fossils in Mississippi indicates that the Gulf of Mexico once covered what is now the state of Mississippi.