During which time interval was the motion fastest?

A:1 h to 2 h
B:2 h to 3 h
C:3 h to 4 h
D:4 h to 5 h

This isn’t the wizard of oz. stop slacking off.

Sorry but fr tho.

bruh no one answers cause criiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinge

To determine during which time interval the motion was fastest, we need to analyze the given time intervals and understand the concept of motion speed. Motion speed refers to how fast an object is moving, and it is typically measured as the distance traveled per unit of time.

To find the interval with the fastest motion, we need to compare the distances covered within each time interval. If the distance covered in an interval is greater than the distances covered in the other intervals, then that interval represents the fastest motion.

Unfortunately, the question only provides the time intervals and does not provide any information about the distances traveled during those intervals. Without that information, we cannot determine which time interval had the fastest motion.

Therefore, the answer to the question cannot be determined based on the given information.

My crystal ball is hazy. I have no idea what you're talking about.