give two examples of chemical reactions or processes that living organisms undergo that decreases the entropy of their cells or bodies

One example of a chemical reaction that decreases the entropy of cells or bodies is protein folding. Proteins are long chains of amino acids that need to fold into specific three-dimensional structures to function properly. The process of protein folding is highly controlled and requires the input of energy in order to form the correct shape. This organized folding reduces the randomness or disorder (entropy) of the protein structure.

Another example is the synthesis of DNA during DNA replication. DNA is the genetic material that carries the instructions for living organisms. During DNA replication, the two strands of the DNA molecule unwind, and new complementary strands are synthesized using the existing strands as templates. This process requires the input of energy and enzymes to ensure accurate and orderly replication. As a result, DNA synthesis decreases the entropy by maintaining the precise sequence and organization of the genetic information.

To find these examples, one can start by understanding the concept of entropy as a measure of disorder or randomness in a system. Then, by considering the processes that maintain or create order within living organisms, such as protein folding or DNA replication, one can identify chemical reactions that decrease entropy in cells or bodies.