The area of a square postage stamp is 9/49 in 2. What is the side length of the stamp? Given: A = s2

s^2 = 9/49 = 3^2/7^2 = (3/7)^2

so, s = ____

note the use of "^" to indicate exponents ...

The question has been answered! >smh<

To find the side length of the square postage stamp, we can use the formula for the area of a square, which is A = s^2, where A represents the area and s represents the side length.

Given that the area of the square postage stamp is 9/49 in^2, we can substitute it into the formula and solve for s.

A = s^2
9/49 = s^2

To solve for s, we can take the square root of both sides of the equation:

√(9/49) = √(s^2)

Simplifying the square root of 9/49:

3/7 = s

Therefore, the side length of the square postage stamp is 3/7 inches.

well do you know the answer

Seriously 215 people have seen this but none of you can answer her question