Discuss two factors that cause each of the identified chosen social issues on school

What are the causes of social issues?

Another reason why social problems occur is due to peer group or family pressure. Disagreement between individuals or groups in a society can also lead to social problems. This is called the interaction perspective. Fall out between different cultures and religion in a society is a reason why social problems occur.

Example of social issues:

Poverty, unemployment, unequal opportunity, racism, and malnutrition are examples of social problems. So are substandard housing, employment discrimination, and child abuse and neglect. Crime and substance abuse are also examples of social problems

may it help :)

Sorry if its wrong ^-^

To discuss two factors that cause social issues in schools, let's consider two common problems often faced by educational institutions: bullying and academic performance disparities.

1. Bullying:

Factor 1: Lack of awareness and education about bullying
- Lack of awareness or understanding of what constitutes bullying can contribute to the persistence of this issue in schools.
- If students, teachers, and parents are not aware of different forms of bullying, the signs and consequences, they may not recognize or address it effectively.
- Insufficient education among teachers and staff can lead to a lack of strategies for preventing and addressing bullying incidents.

Factor 2: Poor school climate and inadequate supervision
- A negative school climate, characterized by hostility or lack of inclusivity, can facilitate the occurrence of bullying incidents.
- Inadequate supervision, both inside and outside the classroom, may allow bullying to go unnoticed or unaddressed.
- If students perceive that the school environment is unsupportive or that staff members are not actively monitoring for bullying, it can embolden aggressors and discourage victims from seeking help.

2. Academic performance disparities:

Factor 1: Socioeconomic status
- Socioeconomic factors, such as poverty and income inequality, can significantly impact students' access to resources, quality of education, and home environments.
- Students from disadvantaged backgrounds may face challenges like insufficient access to educational materials, tutoring, or extracurricular activities, which can hinder their academic performance.
- Socioeconomic disparities can also influence the availability of advanced courses or educational opportunities that may not be accessible to all students equally.

Factor 2: Cultural and linguistic diversity
- Schools with diverse student populations may face issues related to cultural and linguistic disparities, which can affect academic performance.
- Language barriers can hinder non-native English speakers from fully engaging in classroom activities, leading to lower academic achievement.
- Cultural differences in teaching and learning styles can also impact students' ability to adapt to educational approaches used by schools, affecting their academic performance.

Identifying and addressing these factors is critical for schools to create inclusive environments that promote student well-being and academic success.

To discuss two factors that cause social issues in schools, we first need to identify two chosen social issues. Let's consider two common social issues in schools: bullying and low academic achievement.

1. Bullying:
a. Lack of awareness and education: One factor that contributes to the prevalence of bullying in schools is a lack of awareness and education on the topic. Many students and even teachers might not fully understand the impact and consequences of bullying, which can lead to its normalization or underreporting. A lack of comprehensive anti-bullying programs and initiatives can also contribute to an environment where bullying thrives.
b. Peer pressure and social dynamics: Another factor that contributes to bullying in schools is peer pressure and social dynamics. Students may engage in bullying behavior to fit into certain social groups or assert dominance over others. The need for acceptance and validation from peers can sometimes lead to individuals participating in or condoning bullying.

2. Low academic achievement:
a. Inadequate resources and support: One factor that impacts low academic achievement in schools is the lack of adequate resources and support systems. Inadequate funding for schools can result in a lack of necessary educational materials, outdated facilities, and insufficient staffing levels. Additionally, limited access to educational support services, such as tutoring or counseling, can hinder students' academic progress.
b. Socioeconomic factors: Socioeconomic factors also play a significant role in low academic achievement. Students from low-income households may face challenges like inadequate access to nutritious food, healthcare, and stable housing, which can negatively impact their ability to focus on academics. Limited access to extracurricular activities and educational opportunities outside the classroom may further widen the achievement gap.

Addressing these factors requires a multi-faceted approach involving increased awareness, education, and a comprehensive support system. Schools, parents, and communities must work together to create safe and supportive environments where students can thrive academically and socially.