Which word describes a brief story that is told to make a point?





Which word describes adding more details to help a reader understand a topic?(1 point)





Which strategy is a common way for an author to introduce an important idea or central concept?(1 point)

The author would start with an interesting fact or detail about the topic.

The author would elaborate on the topic by adding more details.

The author would provide closing anecdotes that show examples connected to the topic.

The author would illustrate different features or components of a topic.

In which ways can an author shape how readers think about the subject? Select the two correct answers.(1 point)

by creating figurative meaning

by stating facts

by adding a summary

by sharing anecdotes

by using structure

These answers are 10000% the correct answers

The author would start with an interesting fact or detail about the topic
By stating facts,by sharing anecdotes.
I hope this helped you and hope you have a great day.

Thank you Mr me i got 100%

hello there PsyDAG I just want to say that if you don't want to help us then don't ask what are your choices if your here its for checking or help people so why don't you just shut up you were mean to that girl last time I saw you now your doing it again if you don't want people putting in the answer then why are you even here maybe think a little and use those things called braincell and maybe you'll actually pass

Seriously "PsyDAG" if you won't help people who NEED it what's your point of being here bro come on.

I'm not this toxic towards people but I and "connection student girl" had to make a point

@moon. the answers can be switched up and @Mr me. would still be correct Sooooooo......

They switch the answers up so that we don't cheat. So that means that ELA and Science's answer are switched up so that means you have to type out the answer. ADA C/D isn't correct because, the answers are switched for any student.

And @Mr me you are correct

THANK YOU @mr me :)))

I got a 4/4 ty mr me

1 anecdote 2 elaborating 3 The author would start with an interesting fact or detail about the topic 4 by stating facts/by sharing anecdotes