Which structure connects the stigma to the ovary?

..... I have it

here you are:
1. Style
2. the pistil and the stamen
3. the anther to the stigma
4. sepal

The style

Does anybody have the whole quick check for this

thanks @gaming_kat!

The structure that connects the stigma to the ovary in a flower is called the style. The style is a slender, tubular structure that provides support for the stigma, allowing it to receive pollens from the male reproductive parts of the flower. It acts as a conduit, delivering the pollen grains to the ovary, where fertilization takes place.

To find the answer to this question, you can approach it in several ways:

1. Botany textbooks or online resources: Referencing botany textbooks or online resources that cover floral anatomy will provide a detailed explanation of the different parts of a flower, including the style.

2. Dissecting a flower: If you have access to a flower, you can dissect it to observe its internal structures. By carefully examining the pistil (the female reproductive part of the flower), you will be able to identify the style connecting the stigma to the ovary.

3. Visual references: Searching for annotated diagrams or images of flowers online can also help visualize the different floral structures and their relationships, including the style connecting the stigma to the ovary.

Remember, a combination of educational resources and visual aids is often helpful in understanding complex biological structures like the flower.