Shampoo is sold at two sizes A and B A contains 800ml and costs $1.30and B contains 1.5 liters and costs $2.30 Which is the better value for money? Show your working clearly

divide cost by volume to get $/L

pick the smaller value

or, divide volume by cost to get L/$
pick the larger value

dollars per liter ... or ... cents per milliliter

A ... 1.30 / .800 = ? $/L

B ... 2.30 / 1.5 = ? $/L

A is 800 mL / $1.30 = 615 mL / $

B is 1500 mL / $2.30 = 652 mL / $ much more for a dollar

To determine which size of shampoo is a better value for money, we need to compare the cost per milliliter of each size.

Size A: 800ml for $1.30
Size B: 1.5 liters for $2.30

First, let's convert the liters to milliliters for easier comparison:
1.5 liters = 1,500 milliliters

Next, we calculate the cost per milliliter for each size:

For Size A:
Cost per milliliter = Cost / Volume
Cost per milliliter = $1.30 / 800ml
Cost per milliliter = $0.001625 per milliliter

For Size B:
Cost per milliliter = Cost / Volume
Cost per milliliter = $2.30 / 1,500ml
Cost per milliliter = $0.001533 per milliliter

Comparing the cost per milliliter, we can see that Size B (1.5 liters) has a slightly lower cost per milliliter compared to Size A (800ml). Therefore, Size B provides better value for money.

Note: It's important to consider other factors such as convenience, usage frequency, and personal preferences when deciding which size to purchase.