Choose the word from the list below that best matches the definition or example.

A.relative location
B. Absolute location
D. Longitude
E. Climate
F Weather

36° 11° N and 94° 52° W


The best match for the given latitude and longitude coordinates "36° 11° N and 94° 52° W" is option B. Absolute location.

To determine the best word that matches the given coordinates "36° 11° N and 94° 52° W," we need to understand the meanings of the options provided. Here's a brief explanation of each option:

A. Relative location: Relative location refers to the position of a place in relation to other landmarks or features.
B. Absolute location: Absolute location refers to the exact position of a place on the Earth's surface using specific coordinates, such as latitude and longitude.
C. Latitude: Latitude is the angular distance of a location from the equator, measured in degrees north or south.
D. Longitude: Longitude is the angular distance of a location from the prime meridian, measured in degrees east or west.
E. Climate: Climate refers to the long-term weather patterns of an area, including factors such as temperature, precipitation, and wind patterns.
F. Weather: Weather refers to the current atmospheric conditions, including temperature, precipitation, wind speed, and cloud cover.

From the options provided, the word that best matches the given coordinates is C. Latitude. The coordinates "36° 11° N and 94° 52° W" indicate the latitude of 36 degrees 11 minutes north (N) and the longitude of 94 degrees 52 minutes west (W).