which of the following was a contribution of Tomochichi to the success of the Georgia colony ??

To determine the contribution of Tomochichi to the success of the Georgia colony, you can follow these steps:

1. Research Tomochichi: Learn about Tomochichi's background, role, and interactions with the Georgia colony. Tomochichi was a chief of the Yamacraw tribe, which resided in the area that became Savannah, Georgia.

2. Analyze Diplomatic Relations: Study the relationship between Tomochichi and James Oglethorpe, the founder of the Georgia colony. Tomochichi played a crucial role in establishing peaceful and friendly relations between the colonists and the indigenous Yamacraw people.

3. Identify Accommodations: Look into the accommodations Tomochichi made for the colonists. He granted Oglethorpe permission to settle on Yamacraw lands, which enabled the establishment of the Georgia colony.

4. Assess Trade Relations: Investigate the trade relations between Tomochichi's tribe and the Georgia colonists. By fostering a mutually beneficial trade relationship, Tomochichi contributed to the economic success of the colony.

5. Evaluate Political Support: Consider how Tomochichi's support helped secure the political stability of the Georgia colony. His alliance with the colonists and his peacemaking efforts helped protect the settlements from conflicts with other Native American tribes.

By gathering information and analyzing the historical context, you can determine the specific contributions of Tomochichi to the success of the Georgia colony.