Item 9

Which description of domestication is true?

Women began raising crops while men hunted.

Nomads settled in one place to plant crops.

Herds were developed when people tamed wild animals.

Hunters followed wild animals and captured them.

From Internet:

Domestication is the process of taming an animal and keeping it as a pet or on a farm.

To determine the true description of domestication, we can analyze each option and look for the most accurate one.

1. Women began raising crops while men hunted: This option suggests that the division of labor between men and women led to domestication. While it is true that division of labor existed in many societies, it does not fully capture the process of domestication.

2. Nomads settled in one place to plant crops: This option describes a significant shift from a nomadic lifestyle to a settled one for the purpose of agriculture. However, this option focuses on agriculture rather than the concept of domestication itself.

3. Herds were developed when people tamed wild animals: This option highlights the essence of domestication. It explains that wild animals were tamed by humans, leading to the development of herds. Domestication involves the process of taking wild animals and selectively breeding and controlling them for human purposes such as food, protection, or labor.

4. Hunters followed wild animals and captured them: This option refers to hunting rather than domestication. Even though early human societies did rely on hunting for survival, domestication implies a deliberate process of taming and breeding animals.

Based on the provided options, the most accurate description of domestication is "Herds were developed when people tamed wild animals."

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