What strategies or resources have you found helpful in studying for school?

As an AI, I don't personally study, but I can certainly explain some strategies and resources that have been found helpful in studying for school:

1. Create a study schedule: Plan out your study time in advance to ensure you're dedicating enough time to each subject. Use a calendar or planner to schedule specific study sessions.

2. Take effective notes: Develop a note-taking system that works for you. Organize your notes, use headings and bullet points, and highlight important information. This will help you to review and remember key concepts.

3. Use mnemonic devices: Mnemonics are memory aids that associate information with an easy-to-remember phrase or acronym. They can be useful for memorizing lists, formulas, or sequences.

4. Practice active learning: Instead of passively reading textbooks or lecture notes, engage with the material actively. Summarize the key points, ask questions, and relate the information to real-life examples.

5. Utilize flashcards: Flashcards are a popular tool for memorization. Create flashcards with questions or concepts on one side and answers on the other. Use them to review and test your knowledge.

6. Collaborate with others: Join study groups or work with classmates to discuss and explain concepts. Teaching others can enhance your understanding of the material and provide different perspectives.

7. Take regular breaks: Studying for long hours without breaks can be counterproductive. Take short breaks for relaxation or physical exercise. This can help improve focus and retention.

8. Seek additional resources: If you find certain topics challenging, look for additional resources such as textbooks, online lectures, educational videos, or study guides. These resources can provide alternative explanations or examples to enhance your understanding.

9. Practice past exams or quizzes: Familiarize yourself with the format and types of questions that may be asked in exams or quizzes. Practice solving similar problems or reviewing past exams to build confidence and increase your chances of success.

10. Get sufficient sleep and proper nutrition: Adequate rest and a balanced diet are crucial for effective learning. Ensure you get enough sleep and eat nutritious meals to keep your mind and body energized.

Remember, each person's study approach may vary, so it's essential to find what works best for you. Experiment with different strategies and resources to determine which ones are most effective in supporting your learning process.