In the correct Lewis structure for SO3 shown below, there are two S-O single bonds and one S-O double bond. Explain why the S-O bond distances are all the same.

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The current method for drawing Lewis dot structures, in order to show the eight electrons around S and O atoms givies the illusion of single bonds and double bonds. However, in actual practice there are no signle and double bonds. The bonds are somewhere between single bonds and double bonds but all are of the same strength. That's because of resonance. The bottom line is that we don't understand how to draw the exact structure so we do the best with drawing several structures in which the double bonds and single bonds "migrate", so to speak, in which we draw the S=O and S-O bonds in one place for one image and we swap so those bonds are moved around the molecule. Let me emphasize that the molecule does NOT have three structures. It ALWAYS has only one strucure. Those three S-O bonds are the same strength. We just don't know how to draw the REAL structure and obey all of the rules we've set about filling the outer orbits with electrons etc. Summarize all of this by saying that all the S-O bonds are the same strength and it's because of resonance. We CAN draw the different resonance structures, and often do. We just don't draw the "single" resonance structure. I know this is long but I assume you may be new to resonance, as was I at one time. I misunderstood at the beginning and actually thought for a year or more that the S=O bond was that part of the time and an S-O bond part of the time. That isn't true and I don't want you to spend more than a year understanding resonance. Good luck in chemistry.

To explain why the S-O bond distances are all the same in the correct Lewis structure for SO3, we first need to understand the concept of formal charge.

Formal charge is a way to determine the distribution of electrons in a molecule and understand the stability of its Lewis structure. It is calculated by comparing the number of valence electrons an atom should have (its group number) with the number it actually has in the Lewis structure.

In the Lewis structure for SO3, the sulfur atom (S) is bonded to three oxygen atoms (O). Since sulfur is in group 16 of the periodic table and oxygen is in group 16 as well, each oxygen atom brings 6 valence electrons, while sulfur brings 6 valence electrons. This gives us a total of 24 valence electrons (3 * 6 + 6).

To draw the Lewis structure for SO3, we start by connecting the sulfur atom to the three oxygen atoms using single bonds. This uses up six electrons (3 * 2). The remaining 18 electrons are then placed as lone pairs on the oxygen atoms.

However, when we calculate the formal charges for each atom, we find that the sulfur atom has a formal charge of +2, while each oxygen atom has a formal charge of -1. This arrangement is less favorable because of the large difference in formal charges between the sulfur and oxygen atoms.

To achieve a more stable Lewis structure, we can convert one of the S-O single bonds into a double bond, meaning we redistribute the electrons so that there are two bonding pairs (one from the sulfur and one from the oxygen) instead of just one bonding pair. This can be done by taking two electrons from one of the oxygen atoms and creating a double bond between that oxygen and sulfur.

By doing this, the sulfur atom attains a formal charge of 0, while the oxygen atoms each have a formal charge of -1, which is more favorable. Additionally, the Lewis structure with the S-O double bond is more consistent with the experimental data, such as the observation that all the S-O bond distances are the same.

In summary, the S-O bond distances in the correct Lewis structure for SO3 are all the same because the molecule adopts a trigonal planar geometry, where all the bond angles are equal. This arrangement ensures that the repulsion between the electron pairs (both bonding and non-bonding) around the sulfur atom is minimized, leading to the observed equal S-O bond distances.