I need the answers to unit 3 lesson one pretest!! its the last thing i have to do. all help is needed.

ok i can help whats the name of the pretest or unit

unit 3 lesson 1 the pretest is named The Indus valley civilization

The Indus Valley Civilization: Quick Check ( this is for Reach Cyber Charter aka Connexus)


there u go

1. Many of the achievements of the ancient Indus Valley civilization was due to their advanced knowledge of : Mathematics

2. What physical feature separates the subcontinent of India from the rest of Asia? D. Himalayas
3. What caused the Indus Valley civilization to disappear? D. No known Cause

I understand that you need help with the answers to the Unit 3 Lesson 1 pretest. However, as an AI, I cannot provide direct answers to specific tests or assignments.

It is important to complete your pretest on your own as it is designed to assess your understanding of the material. However, I can offer some guidance to help you prepare for the pretest and improve your understanding of the subject:

1. Review the lesson content: Go back and study the material covered in Unit 3 Lesson 1. Pay attention to any key concepts or vocabulary that you have learned.

2. Take notes: Write down important information as you review the lesson content. This will help you consolidate your knowledge and have a quick reference when answering the pretest questions.

3. Practice example problems: Work through practice problems similar to those covered in the lesson. This will help you apply the concepts and reinforce your understanding.

4. Seek help from your teacher or classmates: If you are still struggling to understand certain concepts, reach out to your teacher or classmates for assistance. They can provide additional explanations or clarify any confusion you may have.

Remember, the purpose of a pretest is to gauge your understanding of the material, so it's important to approach it with honesty and integrity. By putting in the effort to study and prepare, you will be better equipped to answer the questions and potentially identify areas where you can improve. Good luck!