1)Which groups were considered citizens in ancient Greece? Select the three correct answers.


tenant farmers

small farmers




2)Which of the following was the primary way Sparta got the resources they needed?

by utilizing their own resources

through trade

by farming their own land

through conquest

3)Which goods did Athens trade for other goods they needed?

grain and pottery

olive oil and wine

papyrus and silk

timber and marble

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What are your choices?

Which groups were considered citizens in ancient Greece? Select the three correct answers:

A. aristocrats
B. tenant farms
C. small farmers

Which of the following was the primary way Sparta got they sources it needed?
D. through conquest

Which goods did Athens trade for other goods they needed?

B. olive oil and wine.

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1) The three groups that were considered citizens in ancient Greece were:

A. Aristocrats
C. Small farmers
F. Women

2) The primary way Sparta got the resources they needed was through conquest (Option D).

3) Athens traded olive oil and wine for other goods they needed (Option B).

1) To determine which groups were considered citizens in ancient Greece, we can look at the options provided and evaluate each one.

A. Aristocrats - In ancient Greece, aristocrats were typically the wealthy and privileged members of society. They held positions of power and influence but not all aristocrats were considered citizens.

B. Tenant farmers - These were individuals who rented and cultivated land owned by others. While they were an important part of the agricultural economy, they were not typically considered citizens.

C. Small farmers - Small farmers owned and worked their own land, contributing to the agricultural production of ancient Greece. They were often considered citizens as they had a stake in the society.

D. Slaves - Slavery was prevalent in ancient Greece, and slaves were not considered citizens but were regarded as property.

E. Foreigners - Foreigners were individuals who were not born in Greece and were not considered citizens.

F. Women - In ancient Greece, women did not have the same rights and privileges as men and were not considered citizens.

Based on these evaluations, the three groups that were considered citizens in ancient Greece are:

1. Small farmers
2. Aristocrats (Note: Only a select few aristocrats were considered citizens.)
3. (No third option is mentioned)

2) To determine how Sparta obtained the resources they needed, we can evaluate the options provided:

A. By utilizing their own resources - Sparta was known for its strict and self-sufficient lifestyle. They prioritized training their citizens for war and relied primarily on their own resources.

B. Through trade - While trade did exist in ancient Greece, Sparta was more focused on maintaining its military strength and did not heavily rely on trade for resources.

C. By farming their own land - Agriculture played a crucial role in Sparta, and they cultivated their own land to produce food and resources for themselves.

D. Through conquest - Conquest was a significant means by which Sparta acquired resources. They often conquered neighboring regions and enslaved the population, making them work for the benefit of Sparta.

Based on these evaluations, the primary way Sparta obtained the resources they needed was through conquest (Option D), along with farming their own land (Option C).

3) To determine which goods Athens traded for other goods they needed, we can evaluate the options provided:

A. Grain and pottery - Athens, being located in a region not known for abundant grain production, relied on importing grain to fulfill its food needs. Pottery was also a significant commodity produced by Athens.

B. Olive oil and wine - Olive oil and wine were two major products of Athens and were traded extensively with other Greek city-states and regions.

C. Papyrus and silk - Papyrus was not commonly produced in ancient Greece, and silk was not produced in ancient Greece at all.

D. Timber and marble - Athens was known for its architecture and used timber and marble extensively. However, these materials were mainly sourced locally rather than traded.

Based on these evaluations, the goods Athens traded for other goods they needed primarily include grain and pottery (Option A) and olive oil and wine (Option B).