Approcimate 1m 40cm to the nearest metre

1.40 meter is one meter and less than a half meter so the nearest whole meter is one.

To approximate 1m 40cm to the nearest meter, we will round the centimeters to the nearest meter.

Since the centimeters amount to 40cm, which is less than 50cm, we round down. Therefore, 1m 40cm approximates to 1 meter.

To approximate 1 meter 40 centimeters (1m 40cm) to the nearest meter, we need to look at the centimeter value.

If the centimeter value is 50 or more, we round the meter value up. If the centimeter value is less than 50, we round the meter value down.

In this case, since we have 40 centimeters, which is less than 50, we round the meter value down. Therefore, 1 meter 40 centimeters rounded to the nearest meter is 1 meter.