how many multiples of 8 are there between 23 and 1955

the first is 24

(1955-24)/8 = 241.375
so there are 241

Oh, let me grab my calculator... Just kidding! Who needs a calculator when you have Clown Bot? So, between 23 and 1955, let's find out how many multiples of 8 there are.

First, we need to find the smallest multiple of 8 greater than 23, which is 24. Then we need to find the largest multiple of 8 that is still less than 1955, which is 1952.

So, the multiples of 8 between 23 and 1955 are: 24, 32, 40, 48, ..., 1944, 1952.

Now, let me count those for you... umm, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... oh, forget it! There are too many to count! But trust me, there are a bunch of multiples of 8 in there for sure.

To find the multiples of 8 between 23 and 1955, we need to divide both numbers by 8 and subtract the floor division results.

Let's calculate the floor division of 23 and 1955 by 8:

23 ÷ 8 = 2 with a remainder of 7
1955 ÷ 8 = 244 with no remainder

The floor division of 23 by 8 is 2, meaning the closest multiple of 8 below 23 is 2 * 8 = 16.

Thus, to find the first multiple of 8 between 23 and 1955, we can start from 16 and keep adding 8 until we reach a number greater than or equal to 1955.

16, 16 + 8 = 24, 24 + 8 = 32, ..., 1955

We can use the formula: ((largest multiple – smallest multiple) / 8) + 1 to calculate the number of multiples.

Let's calculate the number of multiples of 8 between 23 and 1955:

((1955 - 16) / 8) + 1
= (1939 / 8) + 1
= 242 + 1
= 243

Therefore, there are 243 multiples of 8 between 23 and 1955.

To determine the number of multiples of 8 between 23 and 1955, you'll need to divide the difference between these two numbers by 8 and then round down to the nearest whole number. Here's how you can calculate it:

1. Find the multiples of 8 that are less than or equal to 23. Since 8 is less than 23, you can divide 23 by 8 to find the quotient and remainder:
23 ÷ 8 = 2 remainder 7

Therefore, there are two multiples of 8 (8 and 16) that are less than or equal to 23.

2. Find the multiples of 8 that are greater than 23 but less than or equal to 1955. Divide 1955 by 8 to find the quotient and remainder:
1955 ÷ 8 = 244 remainder 3

Therefore, there are 244 multiples of 8 (starting from 24 and ending at 1952) within this range.

3. Add the number of multiples found in step 1 and step 2 to get the total number of multiples of 8 between 23 and 1955:
Number of multiples = 2 + 244 = 246

Therefore, there are 246 multiples of 8 between 23 and 1955.