A hydrochloric acid was titrated with anhydrous sodium trioxocarbonate (iv),burette 100.0ml, pipette 25.0ml, with a methyl orange, what would be the reading, i.e final reading 1st,2nd,3rd.

Am not clear I mean the table of value

Please tabulate the reading for me

2HCl + Na2CO3 ==> 2NaCl + H2O + CO2

You don't give the concentrations of the HCl nor the Na2CO3.

To determine the reading during a titration of hydrochloric acid with anhydrous sodium trioxocarbonate (IV), you will need to follow these steps:

1. Set up the equipment: Place the hydrochloric acid in a conical flask and add a few drops of methyl orange indicator. Fill the burette with the sodium trioxocarbonate (IV) solution.

2. Rinse the burette: Open the stopcock of the burette and allow some solution to flow into a waste container. This is done to ensure any impurities or air bubbles are flushed out.

3. Initial reading: Record the initial volume reading on the burette. Make sure to carefully note the burette reading at eye level, reading from the bottom of the meniscus. Let's assume the initial reading is 0.0 mL.

4. Titration process: Gradually add the sodium trioxocarbonate (IV) solution from the burette into the conical flask containing the hydrochloric acid while swirling the mixture. The sodium trioxocarbonate (IV) reacts with the hydrochloric acid, and the indicator changes color from pink (in the presence of excess hydrochloric acid) to yellow (in the presence of excess sodium trioxocarbonate (IV)).

5. Endpoint determination: As the endpoint is approached, the color of the indicator will change from pink to yellow. At this stage, slow down the addition of the sodium trioxocarbonate (IV) solution and start taking frequent readings.

6. Final readings: Continue adding the sodium trioxocarbonate (IV) solution drop by drop until the indicator color permanently changes from pink to yellow. At this point, immediately stop the addition and record the final volume on the burette. Let's assume the final reading is 24.5 mL.

So, the three readings you are looking for are:
1st reading: Initial reading - 0.0 mL
2nd reading: Before the endpoint (color change) - a value in between the initial and final readings.
3rd reading: Final reading - 24.5 mL (or the exact value recorded in your experiment).

Note: Make sure to always record readings to two decimal places on the burette for increased accuracy.