"The candy was as soft as cotton"

The sentence you have shared, "The candy was as soft as cotton," is an example of a simile. A simile is a figure of speech that compares two different things using the words "like" or "as." In this case, it is a comparison between candy and cotton, emphasizing that the candy is extremely soft.

To understand the meaning of this simile, you should first have a basic understanding of what cotton is like. Cotton is a soft, fluffy fiber that is often used in textiles or other products. It is lightweight and has a smooth texture.

When applying this knowledge to the simile, it suggests that the candy being described is similarly soft to the touch. It implies that the candy has a smooth and delicate texture, perhaps melting on the tongue or having a melt-in-your-mouth quality.

In summary, by comparing the candy to the softness of cotton, the simile conveys that the candy in question is remarkably tender and gentle in texture.