What were the outcomes of the Glorious Revolution?

(Select all that apply.)

William and Mary overthrew King James II.

Parliament was overthrown by King James II.

Parliament was granted more governing power.

William and Mary renounced parliament’s governing power.

A and d?

The correct answer is A. William and Mary overthrew King James II.

The Glorious Revolution, also known as the Revolution of 1688, took place in England and resulted in significant political changes. Here's how you can determine the outcomes:

1. William and Mary overthrew King James II: This is a correct outcome of the Glorious Revolution. William III of Orange, who was married to Mary II (daughter of James II), led the invasion of England and successfully overthrew James II. Both William and Mary became joint monarchs, ruling as co-regents.

2. Parliament was overthrown by King James II: This statement is incorrect. The Glorious Revolution aimed to limit the power of the monarchy and increase parliamentary authority, so it was not Parliament that was overthrown, but rather King James II.

3. Parliament was granted more governing power: This is another correct outcome of the Glorious Revolution. The revolution was largely driven by concerns over James II's Catholicism and his attempts to exert absolute power. As a result, the English Bill of Rights of 1689 was passed, which significantly limited the powers of the monarchy and expanded the rights and authority of Parliament.

4. William and Mary renounced parliament’s governing power: This statement is incorrect. Instead, they accepted and recognized the increased power of Parliament as granted by the English Bill of Rights.

So, the correct answer is A. William and Mary overthrew King James II.