Melina walked 9/12 mile each day for 5 days.

What is the total distance, in miles she walked in 5 days?

50 miles

To find the total distance Melina walked in 5 days, we need to multiply the distance she walked each day by the number of days.

Given that Melina walked 9/12 mile each day for 5 days, we can multiply 9/12 by 5:

(9/12) * 5 = (9 * 5) / 12 = 45/12

To simplify the fraction, we can divide both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 3:

(45/3) / (12/3) = 15/4

So, the total distance Melina walked in 5 days is 15/4 miles.

5 * 9/12 = 5 * 3/4 (who says 9/12 anyway?)

= 15/4 = 3 3/4