I need my math notes minimized shrunk to fit onto two pages. What paid or free service can do this? I need all the examples taken from my 48 pages of notes onto one piece of paper (both sides) as a memory aid.

back in my day, we were allowed a single 3x5 card.

You kids today ... <smh>

I had a computer science professor who always gave open-book tests. His advice was: you may use your book, notes, whatever you want. But if you do, you will not finish the exam.

His tests were so long and thorough that if you didn't hit the ground running, knowing the material cold, you weren't going to have time to finish.

So learn your stuff, make a few key notes, and do your best. Take a deep breath and relax.

After teaching many many years, I would claim that learning the stuff is

probably your best bet.

I'm allowed a memory aid by my professor and he told me to take the examples and homework problems and put them onto my memory aid, but I can't think of a way to shrink the information.

The only thing I can think of is to use a very small font — as small as possible that you can still read. For example, if everything is now in font size 12, reduce it to font size 6 and see what happens. Could you still read it? If that's still readable, but doesn't fit on 2 pages, try an even smaller font.

I have this because of memory problems, not everyone has this opportunity. Thanks for the advice.

To minimize and shrink your math notes to fit onto two pages, you can use various paid or free services. Here are a few options:

1. Adobe Acrobat Pro: Adobe Acrobat Pro is a paid software that allows you to edit, combine, and compress PDF files. You can use this software to reduce the file size of your notes and adjust the layout to fit two pages. Adobe Acrobat Pro offers a free trial period for you to test out its features.

2. SmallPDF: SmallPDF is a free online service that offers a wide range of PDF tools, including compression and resizing. You can upload your PDF files to their website, choose the compression option, and adjust the settings to minimize the file size and fit your notes onto two pages.

3. Microsoft Word or Google Docs: If your notes are in a Microsoft Word or Google Docs format, you can modify the document settings to fit two pages. Adjust the margins, font size, and line spacing to make the content smaller and fit onto fewer pages. Once you've adjusted the layout, you can print the document or save it as a PDF.

Regardless of the service you choose, here are some general tips to help you minimize your math notes:

- Remove unnecessary content: Review your notes and eliminate any redundant or nonessential information. Focus on keeping only the key concepts and examples that you need for reference.

- Condense and summarize: Instead of including the entire problem-solving process, try to summarize each example in fewer steps or use shorthand notations. This will help you fit more content onto fewer pages.

- Use a smaller font size: Reduce the font size slightly to fit more text on each page. However, ensure that the text remains readable and legible.

- Adjust margins and spacing: Decrease the margins and adjust the line spacing to fit more content onto each page without compromising readability.

Remember, while minimizing your notes can be helpful for memory aid, make sure not to condense the content so much that it becomes difficult to understand or follow when you need to reference it later.