WXYZ is a kite. Angle WXY has a measure of 92 degrees and angle ZWX has a measure of 110 degrees. Find the measure of angle ZYW

if FK =5 0and FG =13 find KJ

WXY + WZY = 360-2*110 = 140

so WZY = 140-92 = 48
Now WZY is an isosceles triangle, so ZYW = (180-48)/2 = 66

To find the measure of angle ZYW, we can use the fact that the sum of the angles in a kite is always equal to 360 degrees.

In a kite, opposite angles are congruent. Therefore, angles WXY and ZYW are congruent.

We know that angle WXY has a measure of 92 degrees.

To find the measure of ZYW, we need to subtract the sum of the angles WXY and ZWX from 360 degrees.

360 degrees - (92 degrees + 110 degrees) = 360 degrees - 202 degrees = 158 degrees.

Therefore, the measure of angle ZYW is 158 degrees.