This is second part of my previous Essay please help ASAP and maybe some suggestions

Similar to Gwen, Coral is depicted as a withdrawn person who suffers from loses of her son. She seems to be locked inside an unseen world where she has to hide her true identity. While Coral was at Gold Coast with her husband Roy, she frightens other by talking to them in a weird kind of manner:

Oh, Leonie, isn¡¯t it hard making contact with other people in this kind of place? Everyone¡¯s enjoying themselves but, I don¡¯t know, I feel it¡¯s a bit forced, do you fell that? Are you really enjoying yourself? Or are you only pretending. To please your husband, perhaps. (3.1)

This frustrating conversation led by Coral reminds the readers that she is being someone else. Furthermore, her odd behaviour in front of the others maddens her husband who warns Coral ¡°Well, You¡¯re even weirder than I thought if you think like that. It has to stop.¡± (2.3). Coral¡¯s grief is shown throughout the novel until she is ¡®away¡¯ from the everyday life.

Coral¡¯s remarkable transformation is because of her being ¡®away¡¯ from Roy; who can be described as a cage where Coral was caught in. Having away from her husband, Coral manage to express and live as herself without being disturbed. Her confidence of herself is vividly shown while she talks to Tom: ¡°I¡¯ll bet Kim Novak has more than an afternoon to get into a part¡± (4.3). She also overcomes her grief by talking to Tom, who also carries similar burden. Her concerns on Tom, ¡°You¡¯re not feeling¡¦ sick or anything? Tired?¡± (4.2) show that her true individuality has finally burst out to life. All these change could happen because Coral did not have to behave differently in front of her husband. Being away helped Coral to change not only her behaviour, but also find her true self.

Although Gwen and Coral¡¯s change was significant, Gwen¡¯s transformation was too dramatic and sudden, which can cause the readers to criticize Gow¡¯s play. Gwen behaviour could have changed while she was away with her family in the caravan park whereas she rather acted even more stubborn. Moreover, it was too absurd that Tom¡¯s illness affected Gwen a lot for her to change quickly. However being magical realism, the play enables the audience to understand the irregular alteration and other dramatic events occurred such as Coral¡¯s change help epiphany to be possible.

By going through a significant journey away from their home, Gwen and Coral experienced incredible transformation in both internally and mentally. This physical voyage which broke the daily routine and uneven lifestyle suggests that people should take a break and set themselves to a holiday or a vacation. It is uncertain but most likely that they might find their new identity in the natural world.

...who suffers from the loss of her son...

Also, all the verbs in here are in past tense except "frightens" -- how can you correct that?

What does "weird" mean? Use another, more specific word.

What are some common 10th grade action words?

The country in this region that is formed by two main island is?

The second part of your essay focuses on the characters Gwen and Coral and their transformations throughout the play. You mention that like Gwen, Coral is portrayed as a withdrawn individual who is grieving the loss of her son. Coral feels like she has to hide her true identity and struggles to make connections with others. This is highlighted through her conversation with Leonie at the Gold Coast, where she questions if people are truly enjoying themselves or just pretending for the sake of others.

You also mention that Coral's behavior frustrates her husband Roy, who sees her as being even weirder than he thought. However, Coral's transformation begins when she is "away" from Roy, breaking free from the constraints of their relationship. This separation allows Coral to express herself and live authentically without being disturbed. Her confidence and individuality are shown in her conversation with Tom, where she talks about Kim Novak's transformation for a role.

Coral's change is significant because it allows her to overcome her grief and be her true self. This transformation is facilitated by her separation from her husband, which gives her the freedom to break out of her previous behavior patterns. However, you also mention that Gwen's transformation is too sudden and dramatic, which could be criticized by readers. Nevertheless, as a work of magical realism, the play allows for such unusual transformations and events.

In conclusion, the physical journey that both Gwen and Coral undergo leads to significant internal and mental transformations. The break from their daily routine and the unfamiliar environment of their vacation enable them to discover new aspects of their identity. This suggests that taking a break and immersing oneself in nature may lead to personal growth and self-discovery.