Nharo wants to take the mountain path to the bus station because it is

A. the shortest and quickest way.
B. the newest and nicest way.
C. the safest and easiest way.
D. the flattest and smoothest way.


ToT help

if someone does answer, ima need them to stay to help me with some other questions :'(

A does look like the best choice.

a mountain path is likely old and well worn
it is likely not safe -- it is, after all, up a mountain
similarly, not flat and smooth



ok ty

ty mr. oobleck

According to Chemai, work on the road across the mountain stopped because

A. the villagers decided they did not need a road.
B. the mountain was too steep for a road.***
C. the workers found gold in the mountain.
D. the instruments did not work on the mountain.



Here are the answers :)

1. A
2. D
3. A
4. B
5. B
6. C
7. D
8. A
9. C
10. A
11. A
12. B
13. [Your Answer]

11 is B

(Trap the black goat in a church)

