Express 985cm3 as a percentage of 1 l

1 L = 1000 cm³

985 / 1000 = 10 ∙ 98.5 / 10 ∙ 100 = 98.5 / 100 = 98.5%

To express 985 cm³ as a percentage of 1 liter, we need to convert cm³ to liters and then calculate the percentage.

1 liter is equal to 1000 cm³.

So to convert 985 cm³ to liters, we divide it by 1000:
985 cm³ ÷ 1000 = 0.985 liters

Now to calculate the percentage, we divide 0.985 liters by 1 liter and multiply by 100:
(0.985 liters / 1 liter) × 100 = 98.5%

So, 985 cm³ is approximately 98.5% of 1 liter.

To express 985cm3 as a percentage of 1 liter, follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert 1 liter to its equivalent in cm3.
Since there are 1000 cm3 in 1 liter, multiply 1 by 1000:
1 liter * 1000 cm3/liter = 1000 cm3

Step 2: Calculate the percentage.
To express 985 cm3 as a percentage of 1000 cm3, divide 985 by 1000 and then multiply by 100:
(985 cm3 / 1000 cm3) * 100 = 0.985 * 100 = 98.5%

Therefore, 985 cm3 is equal to 98.5% of 1 liter.