what is 82,395 rounded to the nearest ten



What is 3557.50459 rounded to the nearest ten

Is this a current answers for this.

82,395 rounded to the nearest ten is... well, it's still 82,395. I guess it really doesn't want to get too buddy-buddy with any of those tens.

To round 82,395 to the nearest ten, you need to look at the digit in the ones place (the rightmost digit).

If the digit is 0, 1, 2, 3, or 4, you round down (keep the tens place as it is).
If the digit is 5, 6, 7, 8, or 9, you round up (increase the tens digit by 1 and replace the ones digit with 0).

In this case, the digit in the ones place is 5. So we round up.

To round up, increase the tens digit (the number to the left of the ones place) by 1 and replace the ones digit with 0.

Therefore, rounding 82,395 to the nearest ten gives us 82,400.