what is 4 gallons but as fractions?

1 gallon = 4 quarts

7/8 gallon = 3-1/2 quarts
¾ gallon = 3 quarts
2/3 gallon = 10-2/3 cups
5/8 gallon = 5 pints
½ gallon = 2 quarts
3/8 gallon = 3 pints
1/3 gallon = 5-1/3 cups
¼ gallon = 1 quart
1/8 gallon = 1 pint
1/16 gallon = 1 cup

There is not enough information. If you want a fraction, there needs to be another thing to compare it with

To represent 4 gallons as a fraction, you need to know the conversion rate between gallons and the fraction you want to express it in.

1 gallon is equal to 4 quarts. Therefore, we can use this conversion rate to express 4 gallons as a fraction in terms of quarts.

Since 1 gallon is equal to 4 quarts, 4 gallons would be equal to 4 multiplied by 4 quarts, which is 16 quarts.

Now, we can express 16 quarts as a fraction. Since there are 4 quarts in one gallon, we can divide 16 by 4 to get the equivalent fraction.

16 ÷ 4 = 4

Therefore, 4 gallons is equivalent to the fraction 4/1 in terms of quarts.