Write a paragraph explaining how someone can take active notes to prepare for a collaborative discussion.

help plz, this is for a BIG grade. I cant fail it!!

Someone can take active notes by referring back to used sources that may be helpful for a certain topic. You should have your notes strong and they should be drafted and researched over before giving to a collaborative discussion. Your notes should come from strong and reliable resources that have been fact-checked and have been updated recently.

Do not copy just use facts and change it up a bit.

that is true but you can aleast give tip or a lead to help them get idea.

Thank you so Much!!!! I definitely would of failed that question. ShowZunayed Ashik some love!

yah i will happy check it for you if it ok

To take active notes for a collaborative discussion, someone should begin by researching extensively on the topic in question and gather reliable and relevant information. While taking notes, one should ensure to use keywords and phrases instead of full sentences to help recall information easily during the discussion. Furthermore, using a multi-coloured pen or highlighter can help differentiate and categorize information for easier understanding. Additionally, after taking notes, it's crucial to review and summarize them before the discussion session by crafting potential discussion questions and gathering viewpoints from different perspectives. By taking these steps, one can prepare adequately, boost their confidence and contribute more constructively during the collaborative discussion.

Zunayed Ashik ❤

to Zunayed Ashik, thanks

in other words, use word tune it really good.

Write a paragraph explaining how someone can take active notes to prepare for a collaborative discussion.(4 points)

Sure! Here's a paragraph with fully supported details and a clear answer for the question "What are some effective ways to manage stress?":

Stress is an inevitable part of life, but there are several effective ways to manage it. One of the most popular methods is exercise, which releases endorphins that improve mood and reduce stress. Another way to manage stress is through deep breathing exercises, which activate the body's relaxation response and calm the mind. In addition, organizing and prioritizing tasks can prevent feelings of being overwhelmed. It's also important to maintain social connections with friends and loved ones as social support can help to alleviate stress. Finally, practicing mindfulness and taking time for self-care can lower stress levels and improve overall wellbeing. By utilizing these effective stress management techniques, individuals can reduce stress and improve their mental and physical health.