The stem-and-leaf plot lists the ages of people in a movie theater.

How many people in the movie theater are over the age of 30?

To determine the number of people in the movie theater who are over the age of 30, we would need more information such as the specific data or stem-and-leaf plot. A stem-and-leaf plot usually shows the distribution of a variable, like age in this case, by separating the digits into a "stem" and a "leaf."

If you have a stem-and-leaf plot, you will need to locate the stem that represents ages over 30. For example, if the stem is 3, this would represent ages 30-39. Next, count the number of leaves (individual ages) associated with that stem. Each leaf represents one person, so by counting the leaves, you can determine the number of people in the movie theater who are over the age of 30.

Without the specific data or stem-and-leaf plot, it is not possible to provide an exact answer to your question.

shut up nathan, are you not on this website for the EXACT same situation? get a grip.

alex figure it out your self i.d.i.ot. like seriously how dumb do u have to be lmao/ get a job