What is the probability of rolling two number cubes and getting a sum of 7 on both rolls?

A. The fraction is 1 over 36., 0.028, 2.8%
B. Start Fraction 1 over 12 End Fraction, 0.083, 8.3%
C. one-fourth, 0.25, 25%
D. The term shows 1 over 9., 0.111, 11.1%

To determine the probability, we need to first figure out how many total outcomes there are when rolling two number cubes. Each number cube has six faces, numbered 1 to 6. When rolling two number cubes, each cube has six possible outcomes, so the total number of outcomes is 6 multiplied by 6, which is 36.

Next, let's figure out how many of those outcomes result in a sum of 7 on both rolls. To get a sum of 7, we need one cube to show a 6 and the other cube to show a 1. There is only one combination that results in this sum: rolling a 6 on the first cube and a 1 on the second cube.

Therefore, the probability of rolling two number cubes and getting a sum of 7 on both rolls is 1 out of 36.

Answer A corresponds to this probability: The fraction is 1 over 36.