the webmaster on this site doesn’t respond. is contacting him via “contact us” the only way to get his attention?

Can someone assist me of getting the webmasters attention? A tutor perhaps? If a tutor could, I would most appreciate that! Thanks

yes, unless he happens to notice your posting.

Or one of the tutors may email him if they feel like it.

If the webmaster of a site is not responding, contacting them through the "Contact Us" page is typically the best and most direct way to get their attention. However, there are a few additional steps you can take to increase your chances of reaching them:

1. Double-check the contact information: Ensure that you have entered the correct email address or filled out the contact form properly. Sometimes small mistakes can lead to communication issues.

2. Be clear and concise in your message: Clearly explain the reason for your inquiry or concern in a brief manner. Concise messages are more likely to grab the attention of the recipient.

3. Use alternative contact methods: Look for other avenues to contact the webmaster, such as their social media profiles or any other contact information available on the website or domain registration details.

4. Seek assistance from a higher authority: If your issue is urgent or vital, consider reaching out to the relevant hosting provider, domain registrar, or any other organization associated with the website. They may be able to intervene or provide alternative ways to reach the webmaster.

Remember that response times can vary depending on the website and the webmaster's availability. In some cases, they may be receiving numerous inquiries or may have limited time to respond.