Which of the following is not an essential part of Islamic belief?

the Egyptian god Re?

Which is not essential part of islamic belief

The concept of Tauheed or the oneness of God is not an essential part of Islamic belief.

To determine which of the following is not an essential part of Islamic belief, we need to understand the essential beliefs or principles in Islam.

1. Tawhid (Oneness of Allah): This is the fundamental belief in the oneness of God. Muslims believe that there is no god except Allah and Muhammad is His messenger.

2. Prophethood: Muslims believe in the prophethood of Muhammad and consider him as the final messenger sent by Allah.

3. Revealed Books: Muslims believe in the divine origin of several books, including the Quran, Torah, Psalms, and Gospel. However, the Quran is considered the final and most important revelation.

4. Angels: Muslims believe in the existence of angels as spiritual beings created by Allah to carry out His commands.

5. Day of Judgment: Muslims believe in the afterlife and the Day of Judgment when all individuals will be held accountable for their actions and rewarded or punished accordingly.

Based on these essential beliefs in Islam, we need to evaluate the options and identify the one that does not align with the core Islamic principles.

Without the options provided, I cannot determine which one is not an essential part of Islamic belief. Please provide the options so I can assist you further.