
Can I please get some help on this?

Draw the trees for the following sentences (surface structure) and assign thematic roles. Be careful of movement!

a) What did John eat?
b) Mary said that John kicked the ball.
c) I met the woman who invented the blicket.
d) Who read the book that Mary wrote?
e) The colossal red dragon burned the lush green forest.
f) The lion chased the man into the cave.
g) I read the book in the attic.
h) The glorpish dax mepped the florpy blicket.

Sure! I can help you with that. To draw the trees for the given sentences and assign thematic roles, you would typically use a syntactic tree diagram or a parse tree. The steps to create the trees and assign thematic roles involve analyzing the sentence structure and identifying the syntactic categories (such as subjects, objects, verbs, etc.) as well as the thematic roles (such as agent, patient, experiencer, etc.).

Let's go through each sentence and break it down:

a) What did John eat?

To analyze this sentence, we need to identify the main components:
- The subject: John
- The verb: eat
- The object: What

Here is an example of a tree diagram for this sentence:
/ \
John What

Thematic roles:
- John: Agent
- What: Patient

b) Mary said that John kicked the ball.

- The subject: Mary
- The verb: said
- The complement: that John kicked the ball

Tree diagram:
/ \
Mary Complement
/ \
that kicked
/ \
John ball

Thematic roles:
- Mary: Experiencer
- John: Agent
- Ball: Patient

c) I met the woman who invented the blicket.

- The subject: I
- The verb: met
- The object: the woman
- The relative clause: who invented the blicket

Tree diagram:
/ \
I object
the woman
who invented
/ \
the blicket

Thematic roles:
- I: Experiencer
- The woman: Patient
- The blicket: Theme

d) Who read the book that Mary wrote?

- The subject: Who
- The verb: read
- The object: the book
- The relative clause: that Mary wrote

Tree diagram:
/ \
Who object
the book
that wrote
/ \
Mary -ed

Thematic roles:
- Who: Experiencer
- The book: Patient
- Mary: Agent

e) The colossal red dragon burned the lush green forest.

- The subject: The colossal red dragon
- The verb: burned
- The object: the lush green forest

Tree diagram:
/ \
the dragon object
/ \
colossal red

Thematic roles:
- The colossal red dragon: Experiencer
- The lush green forest: Patient

f) The lion chased the man into the cave.

- The subject: The lion
- The verb: chased
- The object: the man
- The prepositional phrase: into the cave

Tree diagram:
/ \
The lion object
the man
into the cave

Thematic roles:
- The lion: Experiencer
- The man: Patient
- The cave: Goal

g) I read the book in the attic.

- The subject: I
- The verb: read
- The object: the book
- The prepositional phrase: in the attic

Tree diagram:
/ \
I object
the book
in the attic

Thematic roles:
- I: Experiencer
- The book: Patient
- The attic: Location

h) The glorpish dax mepped the florpy blicket.

This sentence seems to use made-up words, so it's difficult to assign specific thematic roles without more context or clarification about the meanings of the words.

I hope this helps you understand how to create tree diagrams for the given sentences and assign thematic roles!