Which statement is true?

A. Waves with the longest wavelengths have the most energy.
B. Waves with the shortest wavelengths have the lowest frequencies.
C. Waves with the longest wavelengths have the lowest frequencies.
D. Waves with the highest frequencies have the longest wavelengths.

You need two equivalencies to answer this.

For Energy = hc/wavelength so that tells you that longer wavelengths give you lower energy OR
Energy = h*frequency so the higher frequency gives you higher energy.
For frequency vs wavelength you have c = freq x wavelength so long wavelength is higher freq and short wavelengths is higher frequency.

To determine the true statement among the given options, let's break down each statement and examine them individually.

A. Waves with the longest wavelengths have the most energy.
This statement is incorrect. The energy of a wave is directly related to its amplitude, which represents the height or intensity of the wave. Wavelength, on the other hand, refers to the distance between two consecutive points in a wave that are in phase. So, the length of the wave does not determine its energy.

B. Waves with the shortest wavelengths have the lowest frequencies.
This statement is generally true. Frequency is the number of complete cycles or oscillations of a wave that occur in a given time. And wavelength is inversely related to frequency. This means that shorter wavelengths imply higher frequency, and longer wavelengths imply lower frequency. Therefore, waves with shorter wavelengths generally have higher frequencies.

C. Waves with the longest wavelengths have the lowest frequencies.
This statement is generally true. As explained previously, longer wavelengths correspond to lower frequencies. So, waves with longer wavelengths typically have lower frequencies.

D. Waves with the highest frequencies have the longest wavelengths.
This statement is incorrect. High frequencies are associated with shorter wavelengths, as frequency and wavelength are inversely related.

Based on the explanations above, the true statement among the options is:

C. Waves with the longest wavelengths have the lowest frequencies.