How do I calculate the mass of oxalate (c2o42-) given the following numbers in the equation;

0.0003084 mol x 88.02 g (c2o4-2)/moles of (c2o4-2) ?

To calculate the mass of oxalate (C2O4^2-), you need to multiply the number of moles of oxalate by the molar mass of oxalate. Here's how you can do it step by step:

Step 1: Note down the given information:
- Number of moles of oxalate = 0.0003084 mol
- Molar mass of oxalate (C2O4^2-) = 88.02 g/mol

Step 2: Use the formula to calculate the mass:
Mass of oxalate = Number of moles of oxalate x Molar mass of oxalate

Mass of oxalate = 0.0003084 mol x 88.02 g/mol

Step 3: Perform the multiplication:
Mass of oxalate = 0.02708 g

Therefore, the mass of oxalate (C2O4^2-) is 0.02708 g.

So, to calculate the mass of oxalate, you multiply the number of moles of oxalate by its molar mass.

just watch the units:

moles * g/mole = g
= 0.0003084 * 88.02 = ____

Would the mass of oxalate be 0.02714536?

Sorry I mean would the moles of oxalate be 0.02714536?

That number looks OK to me; however, that many figures is jut a readout on your calculator dial. You're allowed 4 significant figures so I would round that to

0.02714536 = 0.02714 and for rounding that 5 I use "when rounding a 5 round to the nearest even number".

BTW, that's not mols, that's grams of oxalate.