write an equivalent equation that does not contain fractions then solve the equation

3/4x - 7 = 1/2

please respond i really need help with this one

3/4 x - 7 = 1/2

multiply by 4 --
3x - 28 = 2
Now finish it off.

To remove the fractions from the equation 3/4x - 7 = 1/2, we can multiply every term in the equation by the least common multiple (LCM) of the denominators of the fractions.

The denominators in our case are 4 and 2, with the LCM being 4.

Step 1: Multiply every term by 4 to eliminate the fractions:
4 * (3/4x) - 4 * 7 = 4 * (1/2)

This simplifies to:
3x - 28 = 2

Step 2: Solve the resulting equation:
First, isolate the variable term by adding 28 to both sides:
3x - 28 + 28 = 2 + 28
3x = 30

Divide both sides by 3 to solve for x:
(3x)/3 = 30/3
x = 10

So, the solution to the equation 3/4x - 7 = 1/2 is x = 10.